RAKELING #18: Eberhard Weber – Felix Kubin – Ryo Kawasaki – The Alchemist – Apache – Mameen 3 – …
Live from Villa Bota Radio, on August 17, 2020. Grooves are distributed biweekly on Monday Listen on Villa Bota Radio from 6 - 7 p.m. 106,4 FM in Bruges and 107.9 FM in Torhout
InSein Radio – Dusty Grooves From Belgium
For years everybody in the whole world thought that the Halletorre was the biggest building in the centre of Bruges, but in fact, it is for a number of years already the minaret of the Duvelorium that is the highest building of Bruges. The only thing they forgot, was to make a dwarf entrance, Stupid is as Stupid goes !!! So the only place you can worship the almighty Allah in Bruges, is at the highest tower of them all. Smoke weed everyday, Jeeej Jeeej heeii heeii heeiiieeeii!!!
Wowie, almost 2 hours in one go?! Yes! We didn't change the recipe (good music in all genres) But we changed the amount (two hours!) Enjoy people of planet earth!
DAY 15
Music for your apero.
Take A Break 136: Finalfix Interview
We ontvangen Finalfix in de studio voor de laatste aflevering van het seizoen. Deze Brugse producer is fan van het hardere werk, kreeg onder meer support van Noisia in hun radioshow & releaset binnenkort een EP op het label van Black Sun Empire. Volg Finalfix: FB: https://www.facebook.com/FinalfixMusic Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/finalfix Volg Take A Break: FB: https://www.facebook.com/TakeABreakDNB