InSein Radio – Another Random Trip
Years ago in Bruges, The Gistfabrieke was known for its fantastic yeast! But only a limited number of people know that it was the most lively bar in Bruges and surroundings. Not only did they build extension after extension to accomodate the growing number of partysans that visited the place. The dwarf section was build in 1833. In was in the dwarf section that they discovered an old beer recipe called MDNA. It was also there that they found MC Neute at the bar, been there for more than three weeks. He didn't look after himself anymore, his haircut was sloppy and he grew a moustache, can you imagine... It was clear that there was shit on the marble, in this midget bar. What was wrong with these beers they served over there. Mia Doornaert Non-Alcohol, some say, but did I hear someone say microdose?
Day 2. Another apero blend for your beautiful ears.
Arno – The Death Of A Clown
Een muzikale held is heengegaan. MC Neute heeft zelf Oostends bloed in de aderen en kreeg Arno met de paplepel mee. Ter ere van de T in TC Matic serveert hij een eigenzinnige bloemlezing uit Arno's carrière. Overmand door verdriet konden MixMaster Wannes en MC Trage Tony niet van de partij zijn. Gelukkig vonden we de heren van Insein Radio bereid om een pakkende introductie en epiloog aan dit eerbetoon te breien.