InSein Radio – A Good Fascist Is A Dead Fascist
Once upon a time, there was a right-wing politician named Stefaan Sintobin. He was known for his conservative values and staunch opposition to progressive social movements, particularly those related to LGBTQ+ rights. At first, Stefaan was dismissive of the activist's arguments, but over time, he began to listen and learn. He was moved by the stories of individuals who had faced discrimination and persecution simply for being who they were. He began to question his own beliefs and values, and to see the world through a different lens. Stefaan began to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights within his party, and worked tirelessly to promote tolerance and understanding among his colleagues and constituents. He became an outspoken champion of LGBTQ+ rights, and worked to promote inclusivity and acceptance. And so, Stefaan's journey towards greater understanding and acceptance serves as a testament to the power of education, empathy, and compassion in bringing about positive social change.
Episode 200 / Het Jubilee / Gewikt & gewogen (ft. Superfans DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice & Warre)
200 maandagavonden gevuld met achterhaalde muziek, dronkenmansklap en andere diepgaande gesprekken Dat moeten we vieren. Met pakkende getuigenissen, clips uit de oude deoos, emotionele ontboezemingen en - vooral - véél achterhaalde muziek. En met een resem gasten (shout out to DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice en superfan Warre)! Klaar voor de volgende tweehonderd!
DJ contest – What The Funk
Really had fun making this one! The set starts at 110 BPM and goes up to 126 BPM to give you more energy along the ride.
My buddy Koen giving his best selection
Suave Sound System Radio Show – Season 10 – Episode 01 – Aired 12 10 2019
Suave Sound System Radio Show - Season 10 - Episode 01 - Aired 12 10 2019 hosted by DJs Mike de Mont Blanc & DJ Arno Ramon #House #Techhouse