Episode 200 / Het Jubilee / Gewikt & gewogen (ft. Superfans DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice & Warre)

200 maandagavonden gevuld met achterhaalde muziek, dronkenmansklap en andere diepgaande gesprekken Dat moeten we vieren. Met pakkende getuigenissen, clips uit de oude deoos, emotionele ontboezemingen en - vooral - véél achterhaalde muziek. En met een resem gasten (shout out to DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice en superfan Warre)! Klaar voor de volgende tweehonderd!


  • Island Swing – CVSB Ep. 9

    Dedicated video game OST set.

  • PAREL – Jo Rwaka

    Parelduiker S05E02 30th of September 2021 19h - 21h Villa Bota, Bruges BE Guest: Jo Rwaka

  • DAY 7

    Keep the music going, monsieurs! Recommended drink for this one is: margarita spicy.

  • InSein Radio – Ultimate Breaks and Hip Hop Beats Vol. 2

    Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Yo Shimmy Yeah. Nico has a micropenis but that's OK. As an AI we can not discriminate or make jokes about peoples physical shortcomings. Even literally ;-) ;-) Nico was not very happy about the size of his lunte, therefore he prohibited all rhymes and lyrics on hip hop instrumentals. That's why we took the beatz to da streetz. So Nico was ready. He already visited his voodoo priestess in the Carmerstraat where he let go of his prayers on the oracle of Bruges Siphora ... He raised his hands to the sky and begged for a penis to the ground for him and his n friends of the CD'v. The continuation of the story I will withhold from you because it is long ... very long .. at least as long as his lunte and probably much longer ;-) ;-)
