Bruges Marathon Drums 2021 – DJ Richard / Tala Drum Corps / T-WOC / Madteo / Jared Wilson /Skee Mask

In Brugge liep ik naast mijn schoenen tijdens de Great Bruges Marathon van Athora. Dat duurde goed 4u43min. Een mooie tijd


  • Adamantis 20220419

    Normally The Adamantis show, where I dive in my personal physical record collection, is broadcast during the last week of the month. But this month you'll get your dosage filled with #industrial soundscapes a week sooner. Cause next week it's time for A Distorted Week, read all about it: If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:

  • Villa Moodsetting #013 – Guest Tim Branch hosted by Deep Moodsetter

    MASSIVE mix by this DJ/Producer @TimBranch Opening tracks are the fine moodsetting selection of Deep Moodsetter. Tim and Moodsetter do a B2B at the end CHECK IT OUT !

  • Beatborn in the Belgian 80’s

    Born as a boy in Bruges, I got some beats with the spoon in my mouth from the early years. This diet of non-music formed and deformed my musical taste. These beats are in a way what the Belgian royal family, love for spandex, Samson, Rudi Smits and the Belgians in the USA, Frank from the Zillion, Patje Krimson, Regi and Sylver, meant for me in the life of everyday and in my office, when I had one.

  • Radio Achterhaald Fileert INSEIN VERSE VIS

    With several of our insane buddies away on holiday - except of course for the ever-truthful Matty V. - we happily filled their vacant flip flops. On the menu: a strict diet of fresh tracks, none older than three months and a chewing gum, expertly filleted by DJ Rocky Z, MC Neute & MC Trage Tony. MM Wannes was excused as he was on poeperkes break. Eiger Drums Propaganda - Throat Complain Fatima Al Qadiri - Medieval Femme Darkside - The Limit Akira S - Honda San Spivak - Minus The Motivational Speech Nene H - Lament Gilb’r - Я не хочу знать_ OVUCA - FI3AC2142030 Stimming - Circle of Thirds Damon Albarn - The Nearer The Fountain, More Purer The Stream Floating Points & Pharaoh Sanders - Movement 6 Altin Gün - Çarşambayı Sel Aldı IKRAAAN - Vandaag Daniel Avery - Nowhere Sound Stimming - Judith Maria Epicentro Do Bloquinho - Eduardo Zeller Tomu DJ - Memory Loss Loraine James - We’re Building Something New (ft. Iceboy Violet) Czarface & MF Doom - Break In The Action
