#1 The Aukleys – Hark Radio
Een aflevering over The Aukleys met organisator en fervent wandelaar Auke Vangheluwe, goeie maat Peter Huygens en Laurietje. Geniet ervan!
PAREL – Bibi Seck
08 / 12 / 2019 Parelduiker Guest: Bibi Seck Recorded @ Villa Bota Side note: The voice on the telephone in the track "Blame Game" (Kanye West) is not John Legend, but Chris Rock.
PAREL – Damien Gillain
Parelduiker S05E03 14th of October 2021 19h - 21h Villa Bota, Bruges BE Guest: Damien Gillain
DAY 16
Number 16 in the books! Cue up some delirious aperotunes.
Episode 2
Second episode from the voyage of the Blue Sun.