Zondagskinderen op busreis – Benidorm Bass, Lloret Acid & Marbella Dubstep : Benga /Lone /Ikonika
Grootvader : "De buschauffeur had leuke muziek mee op onze jaarlijkse vakantie met de bejaardenbond!" Ikke : "Say Whaaaaat?!!"
Beatborn in the Belgian 80’s
Born as a boy in Bruges, I got some beats with the spoon in my mouth from the early years. This diet of non-music formed and deformed my musical taste. These beats are in a way what the Belgian royal family, love for spandex, Samson, Rudi Smits and the Belgians in the USA, Frank from the Zillion, Patje Krimson, Regi and Sylver, meant for me in the life of everyday and in my office, when I had one.
Reggae Excursion Radio #96: Shikoba Guest Selection (22-06-2022)
96th broadcast of the Reggae Excursion Radioshow with a guest selection from Shikoba Soundsystem. Enjoy!
End of summer – some bass, campo solar, brazilian beats, dubstep and scratching Falllus
De voorbije zomer was vanalles, maar voor mij vooral dees mix
SyntherBass – Dubstep & Bass voor de Brave Kinderen
Voor wie houdt van iets harder