Wangedrag Mixtape #25

Damn 28 songs in 45 or something minutes, this has to be our record. This is the second to last one for our 6th season. October will be the start of our 7th season! You don't want to know how much bands we've played in all that time. This time: 80HD, Autor, Desborde, Verzet, Feral, Maldita, Lock, FagX, Necros, Green/Blue, The sexual, Basuko,.....


  • Wangedrag Mixtape #018

    New mixtape online, a regular one for once, long time ago. 22 Tracks almost all new from: Crisis man, The flex, Raw breed, Nagazaki, Vidro, Temple, Mareux, Deef, Rigorious institution, Heaven, Primer regimen, Organ-ism,...

  • Wangedrag Mixtape #547 Guest Mondy (Gagged, My war zines,…)

    Mixtape 25 songs From Bootlicker to Life of agony and along the way Het Zesde metaal (hihihihi), but also with: Peace test, Minor threat, Sial, Warzone, Direct Threat, Inde krig, Drill sergeant, Taqbir, Candy Apple,...

  • Wangedrag Mixtape #009 Best of 2021

    Best of 2021 with 23 tracks! We had to make hard decisions ;) Golpe, Alambrada, Systema, Cemento, Koma, 80HD, Ogro, Quarantine, Tower 7, Fairytale, Unidad Ideologica, Horrendous 3D,....

  • Wangedrag Mixtape #543

    Last regular mix for this season. Next week guest week with Dennis From Obey The Rif (RIP) This week: Porvenir Oscuro, Sial, Chain Whip, Presagio, Imploders, Sex Howitzers, COC, Middle Class, The Glass Beads, Inferno Personale, Cemento, Presagio,...
