Techmo – Sad Slow Techno – Ivna Ji /AFX /Alex Smoke /Speedy J /Cloudface /214 /Russell EL Butler

Ontbijttechno met levertraan, aanbevolen door Dr. Vogel


  • InSein Radio – Monday Night Rave (Acid / Trance / Techno)

    1. Subliminal Aurra - Ease The Pressure (Hypnotic Trance Mix) 2. Ability II - Pressure Dub 3. Guy Contact - There Is No Orb (Original Mix) 4. Fantastic Man - Trance Sexual 5. Swoose - Illusions (Original Mix) 6. R 2001 - Your Touch (Club Dub) 7. Gipsy - I Trance You (Paradisio Mix) 8. Kosh - Casablance Vice 9. The Future Sound Of London - Papua New Guinea 10. Maara - The Forbidden Plum 11. Tata Box Inhibitors - Plasmids (Placid Mix) 12. DJ Normal 4 - La Arabia 13. Outlander - Eastern 14. Cores - Millennium 15. MBG/MGB - Space's Message 16. Junk Project - Volume 3 (DJ Ricci Remix) 17. Emmanuel Top - Climax V1.1 18. Ntel - Melt 19. CJ Bolland - Camargue 20. Sansibar - Game Over 21. DJ Misjah - Keep Your Love 22. False Persona - Unknown Variable 23. Microbot - The Age 24. Eversines - Plooi 25. Kosh - Null 212 26. Critical Rhythm - Fall Into A Trance 27. Lumukanda - Red, Black & Yellow (Awakening)

  • Horae Obscura – Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae

    Pumping eerie #electronica with a pinch of disturbing #soundscapes topped off with a #dark #ambient sauce. Bon Appetit! Original artwork: Le Temps by Ulpiano Czech and Sanz If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:

  • Zondagskinderen op busreis – Benidorm Bass, Lloret Acid & Marbella Dubstep : Benga /Lone /Ikonika

    Grootvader : "De buschauffeur had leuke muziek mee op onze jaarlijkse vakantie met de bejaardenbond!" Ikke : "Say Whaaaaat?!!"
