Recorded and broadcasted through 106.4 FM live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 23.05.2022 1. Linus Hillborg - Offerkasten 2. Christian Vogel - Astro Cumbia 3. Cheb Terro vs Dj Die Soon - Pine 4. Benefits - Meat Teeth 5. Izolenta - Catching Up With The Horizon 6. Perel - Kill The System 7. Senyawa - Menuju Muara 8. Klahrk & Kavari - Acres 9. Mai Mai Mai - Il Futuro Perduto 10. Goatface! - Ca Fémara 11. Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker - La Lega 12. Vlad Dobrovolski - The Shadow Side Of Joy Fungi 13. Nik Colk Void - Interruption is Good (fade out)


  • JazzNotJazz #1 – Belgian Jazz

    JazzNotJazz radioshow #1 from the Villa Bota studio (Bruges), hosted by Aïsha Baert Feb. 10 (2021) Logo Design © Studio NULZET

  • Liqourice

    One dried liquorice contains elements of De Ambassade, improvised music from Japan, Laüten Der Seele, Kali Malone, David Byrne, Roberto Musci, Chik White & Bill Nace, Henry Mancini, Laszlo Umbreit, Powell and some more mixed & recorded live at Bota Radiostudio 040423 enjoy !

  • Horae Obscura – Dulce est desipere in loco (’24)

    Dive into the depths of sound with this week's episode, where we explore the most profound realms of deep dark #ambient music. Perfect for moments of relaxation or reflection, our curated playlist promises to be your guide through the shadows. Support our sonic journey and ensure the continuation of these dark delights by becoming a patron or making a donation. Your contribution helps keep the lights dim and the music deep. http://www.patreon.com/oneirich https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/
