een "onderhuids" avonduur

Recorded and broadcasted through 106.4 FM live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 23.05.2022 1. Linus Hillborg - Offerkasten 2. Christian Vogel - Astro Cumbia 3. Cheb Terro vs Dj Die Soon - Pine 4. Benefits - Meat Teeth 5. Izolenta - Catching Up With The Horizon 6. Perel - Kill The System 7. Senyawa - Menuju Muara 8. Klahrk & Kavari - Acres 9. Mai Mai Mai - Il Futuro Perduto 10. Goatface! - Ca Fémara 11. Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker - La Lega 12. Vlad Dobrovolski - The Shadow Side Of Joy Fungi 13. Nik Colk Void - Interruption is Good (fade out)

Recorded at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 2401/2022 between 19:00 - 20:00 CET 1. Tortoise - Seneca 2. Bààn - Nuit Blanche 3. Six Organs Of Admittance - School Of The Flower 4. Rhyton - The Striped Sun 5. Baris Mancho - Lonely Man 6. Orphan Fairytale - De Beer 7. Les Filles De Illighadad - Tihilele 8. Golden Hands - Take Me Back

Recorded live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 10.04.2021 between 19:00 - 20:00 CET. selected tracks by: 1. Rien Poortvliet - Vogeltaal 2. Talip Özkan - Bozlak 3. Blonde Redhead - In An Expression Of The Inexpressible 4. The Black Heart Procession - The Letter 5. Vladimir Cosma - Promenade Sentimentale 6. Elko Blijweert - Welkomstlied 7. Eat Static - Kothluwalawa 8. The Ullulators - Simply Conscious Dub 9. Revolutionary Dub Warriors - Dread V1 10. Augusteyns/Badenhorst/Thielemans/Pawlowski - De God Van Ongeveer 11. Bill Callahan - Spring 12. Ignatz & De Stervende Honden - Heidenhain Shuffle 13. Ben Bertrand - The Aurae Loops 14. Teleferick - Slumber On 15. Ruben Machtelinckx - Dewy 16. Vogeltaal 17. Abdellah M. Hassak & Aziz Nadif- Yearnings Complancency

Recorded live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on Monday 20th september 2021 between 19:00 - 20:00 CET. tracklist: 1. Ruben Machtelinckx - Short Sentence 2. Opéra Mort - Schouwspel 3. Reinhard & Reinhard - Moody Mosfet 4. ISAAC - MH 5. Machinefabriek with Anne Bakker - Sirene 6. Piloot - Alpha Forest 7. Bonnie Prince Billy - Without Work You Have Nothing 8. Flying Horseman - Walking 9. Arbouretum - Dawn By The Fall Line 10. Band Of Horses - Detlef Schrempf 11. Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy 12. Elko Blijweert - Sonatine 13. Spookhuisje - Purple Sound comin' out of the woods

A new season, a new episode of SPLINTER. recorded live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 13.09.2021 between 19:00 - 20:00. It was a while ago I uploaded the shows from previous season, I recorded them live for myself on cassettetape on a portable radio, ... so if you would like to have a tape from the season between #10.08 and #11.02, contact me. tracklist : 1. Black Mountain - The Hair Song 2. Mogwai - Mr Beast 3. Aidan Baker & Karen Willems - Like a soft raining coming 4. Tindersticks - Chocolate 5. Bonnie Prince Billy - I won't ask again 6. Flying Horseman - Bright Light 7. Bill Callahan - Ride My Arrow 8. Palace Brothers - You will miss me when I burn 9. Reinhard & Reinhard - Ready Rectifier 10. Klaus Schulze - Stardancer (excerpt)

Recorded live at Villa Bota (www.villabota.be) on Monday, 14122020 between 18:30 - 19:30 coronatime. The picture is by Peter Geysels. tracks by: 1. David Darling - Fly 2. Ruben Machtelinckx - Short Sentence 3. Thomas Jillings + Stijn Cools - Hejmloka 4. Abdul Kader - Dari Love Song 5. Wreckmeister Harmonies - Night Of Your Ascension (excerpt) 6. Mouse On Mars - Owai 7. Fundament - Fundament A (excerpt) 8. Tchaikovsky - Lord Have Mercy 9. George Abyad - Gamme Rast 10. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Mainoon Yaar Di Namaaz Parh Lain De

Recorded live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on monday 07122020 between 18:30 - 19:30 pm CET. 1. Aphex Twin - Blue Calx 2. Dead Can Dance - How Fortunate The Man With None 3. Alain Bashung - La Nuit Je Mens 4. Mogwai - Donuts 5. Sonic Youth - Superstar 6. Francisco Tarrega - Capricho Arabe 7. David Sylvian + Robert Fripp - Damage 8. Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings 9. Sitka - Tape Cuts (excerpt) 10. Gyorgy Ligeti - Selbsportraet mit Reich und Riley 11. Jaap Fischer - Sprookje 12. Jos Steen - Unknown 13. Onsturicheit - Waan 2 14. Various - Bulgare folk

Recorded at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on monday, 23th, 2020. This radiobroadcast contains for 80% Belgium artists, releases, labels. Go check their pages and support them during this story! Tracks by: 1. Jaap Fischer - Sprookje 2. Ben Bertrand - Morion And György In The Battista Mist 3. Ashtoreth & Stratosphere - Awake 4. Mattias De Craene - Lady Dady 5. All Shadows And Deliverance - Kampuchea (excerpt) 6. Isaac - Dolk 7. Normal Brain - M-U-S-I-C 8. Rene Hell - Chamber Music 9. Donder & Apeland - Alderliefste Mijn 10. Bear Bones, Lay Low - Wet Streets

Recorded live at Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium on 09.11.2020 between 18:30 - 19:30 CET. Opname kwam tot stand op het moment er plots uit het niets enkele songs van Jos Steen ten gehore kwamen op een aantal cassettes van het Radio 3 programma "wereldbeeld", uit den tijd dat men nog via een gele briefkaart en een postwissel de heruitzending kon opvragen. Geen idee of dit uniek werk is, wel een leukerd om te ontdekken. 1. Jules Deelder - Kutgedicht 2. African Head Charge - Elastic Dance 3. Sea Urchin - Yohoforo Felmaya 4. Jan Jelinek - They, Them 5. Radian - Feedbackmikro / City Lights 6. Razen - Reaper 7. Jos Steen compilatie radio 3 "wereldbeeld" 8. David Grubbs - Don't think 9. Robert Wyatt - Gharbzadegi 10. Nick Drake - They're leaving me behind

Recorded at 02112020 between 18:30 - 19:30 for Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium (www.villabota.be/splinter ) Please support the bands and artists, check their pages through bandcamp or other channels. selected tracks : 1. Lieven Martens - The Cloud 2. Reinier Van Houdt - Orphic Asylem 3. Innerwoud x Astrid Stockman - Elegy 2 4. Motohiko Hamase - Pascal Variant 5. The Milk Factory - Roundish 6. Jukwaa - Feodorovna 7. Kabas - Hordere 8. Sea Urchin - Ray Ah Nafzak 9. R.O.T. - Doodeskader 10. Floris Vanhoof - The Fluid Computer (excerpt) 11. Jan Jelinek - Moiré (Piano Organ)