Jon slo _01 (Villa Bota) 29/01/2021
First mix, a mix of early trance, techno, house and others... The whale sounds are free, for your pleasure Enjoy
Mixed & recorded at Bota Studios July 2022 enjoy ! Klankschap can be heard every wednesdayevening, from 20h till 21h CET villabota.be
2001 – An Electronic Odyssey
Geen Twee Zonder Drie. Een beetje zoals met vaccins! DJ Rocky Z trekt de driestste elektronica van 2001 op in een spuitje en injecteert die keihard in je knoezel ... o9 - No delays for days Christian Kleine - Quentin Luke Vibert - Funky Acid Stuff Plaid - Light Rain Ulrich Schnauss - Knuddelmaus Xploding Plastix - Funny Bones Slag boom van loon - Sudjeda (Four Tet Remix) Aphex Twin - Mt St Michel Autechre - Pen Express Ricardo Villalobos - Bunker The Other people place - Let me be me Ricardo Villalobos - Bredow
Entre les mots
Mixed and recorded live at Villa Bota Studios june 16th - '22 tracklist :: comment section enjoy !