InSein Radio – Uncategorized Niceness

A brand new selection of niceness!


  • InSein Radio – I Was 16 In 1999 (Hip Hop / Trip Hop / D&B / Dub)

    DJ Fallujah formerly known as DJ Fallus was 16 in 1999 and had the time of his life, discovering hip hop, drum and bass, trip hop, breakbeats, dub music and sensimilia. This mix is a trip down memory lane, dusting off classic records from that era. Don't bother the crackles and needle skips. Strictly vinyl selections in this episode.

  • 1991 – MC Neute selecteert vochtige IDM, Jungle & Techno

    1991 was niet alleen het geboortejaar van onze volhardende stagiair MC Big B, maar ook een topjaar voor de betere Intelligent Dance Music. Van vroege Aphex Twin tot Belgische breakbeat-classics, het passeert allemaal de revue bij Radio Achterhaald. The Black Dog – Parallel Phantasia – Violet Skies The KLF – Make it Rain Musicology – Telefone 529 Lennie De Ice – We are I.E. A Guy Called Gerald – Anything V2.1 The Overlords – Sundown Speedy J – De-Orbit Saint-Etienne – Stoned to Say the Least Oribtal – Belfast IAO – The Clan Autechre – Cavity Job Top Buzz – Jungle Techno! Ramirez – La Musika Tremenda (DJ Ricci Remix) Terrace - Dr. Ronalds’ Beats The Aphex Twin - Digeridoo

  • Rakeling #38 Snowbody’s Perfect

    We made this show before Lowie left for Lapland on February 25th 22'

  • Reggae Excursion Radio #77: Lee Scratch Perry the Upsetter

    The seventy-seventh broadcast of the Reggae Excursion Radioshow. Hosted by Gus the Socialist Rocker. Celebrating and remembering the life and legacy of the innovative vocalist and producer Lee King Scratch Perry.
