InSein Radio – Quirky (Outsider) Soul Music
Early drum computers, over the top reverbs, weird synths, vocoder weirdness and more underrated soul explorations from the late 60s until recent days. Enjoy this out of this world selections by InSein Radio, providing you musical food from and for all you outsiders.
InSein Radio – F.M.T. (Flea Market Treasures)
It was only at the Flea Market that we began to recognize the true power of power ballads, 80's hits and more of the guilty pleasures that are part of the Insein Radio Experience, aka the IRE. Allthough our brothers from the IRA have much more to digest, we at the IRE are known to do the stuff your grandma only dreams of, or to make her realllay phonkeeee, soulfull and wet .... Cause you know how we do it, just for the hell of it, i'm the mothafuckin' shiznit!!!
Arno – The Death Of A Clown
Een muzikale held is heengegaan. MC Neute heeft zelf Oostends bloed in de aderen en kreeg Arno met de paplepel mee. Ter ere van de T in TC Matic serveert hij een eigenzinnige bloemlezing uit Arno's carrière. Overmand door verdriet konden MixMaster Wannes en MC Trage Tony niet van de partij zijn. Gelukkig vonden we de heren van Insein Radio bereid om een pakkende introductie en epiloog aan dit eerbetoon te breien.
InSein Radio – Oddball Pop / Balearic/ Disco / Wave
The most incredible thing we can do now, is solve the war in Ukraine. That's why we invited Vlad Putin to our radio show to show off his favourite Western Hits. Since his West only reaches Lviv, we had to limit us to only the greatest of Ukrainian inspired tracks around the globe. But now that Putin met Beyonce in the dungeons of Insein Radio, world peace is only a wink away! He will be humiliated by the big old bootie swingin queen of r&b, pop and the world, because she refused to answer his request to paint a moustache above her lips and call her Jules for the rest of the night. Anywayz, world peace is only a pinch away if you listen to Insein Radio!