InSein Radio – Jungle Forever!

Hail to the original jungle sound! Amen breaks all the way!


  • 1991 – MC Neute selecteert vochtige IDM, Jungle & Techno

    1991 was niet alleen het geboortejaar van onze volhardende stagiair MC Big B, maar ook een topjaar voor de betere Intelligent Dance Music. Van vroege Aphex Twin tot Belgische breakbeat-classics, het passeert allemaal de revue bij Radio Achterhaald. The Black Dog – Parallel Phantasia – Violet Skies The KLF – Make it Rain Musicology – Telefone 529 Lennie De Ice – We are I.E. A Guy Called Gerald – Anything V2.1 The Overlords – Sundown Speedy J – De-Orbit Saint-Etienne – Stoned to Say the Least Oribtal – Belfast IAO – The Clan Autechre – Cavity Job Top Buzz – Jungle Techno! Ramirez – La Musika Tremenda (DJ Ricci Remix) Terrace - Dr. Ronalds’ Beats The Aphex Twin - Digeridoo

  • Drum and bass – Full Moon Mix 20231127

    Another Full Moon show with an immersive dive into the rhythmic beats of drum and bass, delving into the intricate layers of neurofunk and pushing sonic boundaries with a pinch of crossbreed. And for those who resonate with what we bring to your ears, I invite you to consider supporting us on Patreon. By becoming a patron, you not only contribute to the continuation of this sonic adventure but also gain access to exclusive benefits, including downloads from the shows and a host of other extras. Your support means the world to us and allows us to keep the beats alive. Oneirich is the curator of the The Kult of O platform.

  • InSein Radio – Uncategorized Niceness

    A brand new selection of niceness!
