InSein Radio – A Love Story
When dolphins were just a relatively new species, they all gathered in the Lovely Lake of Love, to make Love. Not long after that, the famous architectual duo, Jan Breydel and Pieter the Coninck, showed some really awkward behaviour, by fucking each other in their respectual asses. The gathered dolphins soon followed suit, and for the Biblical people of Bruges, it was not a sight to behold any longer. The anal fornication of the sea mammals shook the Christian souls of the inhabitants of Bruges, to the point where all dolphins were sent to a 6*6 pool somewhere in the outskirts of Saint-Michel. The dolphins soon found their natural home, even more so after they expanded the pool to a 6*7 format! Freedom! .
Pour un cœur qui s’ennuie
Mixed and recorded live @ Bota Studios 13th of June - 2023 Enjoy !
Follow the light
Dear listener, It has been exactly 13 years since I dropped my first Klankschap set on this platform. Most of the shows were created spontaneously in the radio studio of Villa Bota, where at the time there were about fifteen programs, while now there are about forty... I've lost count. Some things have changed and yet actually nothing has changed. It is still a place for meeting up, experimentation and creativity that actually brings us back to one thing : MUSIC miXd & Rcrdd live at Bota Radiostudio – may 16th 2024. Enjoy this one ! Christophe Ywaska Tracklist :: Comment section
InSein Radio – F.M.T. (Flea Market Treasures)
It was only at the Flea Market that we began to recognize the true power of power ballads, 80's hits and more of the guilty pleasures that are part of the Insein Radio Experience, aka the IRE. Allthough our brothers from the IRA have much more to digest, we at the IRE are known to do the stuff your grandma only dreams of, or to make her realllay phonkeeee, soulfull and wet .... Cause you know how we do it, just for the hell of it, i'm the mothafuckin' shiznit!!!