HARKRADIO #2 jelle en neil in de studio
Een radioshow van al een maand geleden ik wou deze op spotify zetten, maar dat lukte niet omdat het bestand te groot is nuja, jullie kunnen hem hier nu luisteren het eerste halfuur was ik nog met van alles en nog wat bezig, maar jelle heeft wat prachtige muziek opgelegd ondertussen voor de rest zul je moeten luisteren HARK OUT x
PAREL – Damien Gillain
Parelduiker S05E03 14th of October 2021 19h - 21h Villa Bota, Bruges BE Guest: Damien Gillain
DAY 31
How about a negroni and some Dj R7 & Mc Rafa 22 , Roland Alphonso , The Alan Parsons Project, Inga , Tiga & Soulwax and more? Kiss from your friends, Chic et Pas Cher xxx
InSein Radio – Easter Sunshine Galore
We once had a friend straigth outta Beernem. We took him from the streets and gave him an opportunity to rise and shine as the official InSein Radio copywriters. Four years later we are glad that we got rid of this drunk loud singing mongoloid. His self esteem had become so high that even at his regular job they made him C.E.O. Can you believe this? True story! Everlasting respect for Matty V. Not Matty A Not Matty B Not Matty C Not Matty D Not Matty E Not Matty F Not Matty G Not Matty H Not Matty I Not Matty J Not Matty K Not Matty L Not Matty M Not Matty N Not Matty O Not Matty P Not Matty Q Not Matty R Not Matty S Not Matty T Not Matty U But Matty V!!! In the place 2 be. Making all the b*tches touch their punani. Not Matty A Not Matty B Not Matty C Not Matty D Not Matty E Not Matty F Not Matty G Not Matty H Not Matty I Not Matty J Not Matty K Not Matty L Not Matty M Not Matty N Not Matty O Not Matty P Not Matty Q Not Matty R Not Matty S Not Matty T Not Matty U But Matty V!!!