Erased Tapes – Label Special
Volgens sommigen afgedaan als saai getjingel op piano's, door anderen geprezen voor zijn doorleefde muzikale emoties, door nog weer anderen niet opgemerkt of hoogstens verward met het wachtmuziekje bij een niet nader te noemen telecomoperator: zij die het kunnen weten, menen dat het London-based label Erased Tapes een special waard is. Eén van hen is DJ Rocky Z, die verantwoordelijk is voor het aanvullen van de playlist: ...
Between the lines
Multiple strings of consciousness.. Quiet voices - Story of new ancestors Ruth Anderson – Conversations Pleasure – Selfsuck 210321 Shit and Shine – INFINITE SHITE Dragonchild – Above all Holsen & Cassiers – Opening Max Nagl trio – Radax David Strother & Carl Royce – Hypnotony Mehet Aslan featuring Valentina Magaletti - Garden Akhira Sano – Grasp at the distance Anne H. Goldberg-Baldwin - 5 Meditations on Music from Luigi Rossi's Collection: No. 1, Öffnen des Raumes.Partite sopra Zefiro Теплота - Limit cycle (version shell) Giuseppe Ielasi – 05 Marta Salogni & Tom Relleen – Dessert glass May 2023
Entre les mots
Mixed and recorded live at Villa Bota Studios june 16th - '22 tracklist :: comment section enjoy !
This is introspect 2022. A collection of -mostly instrumental - songs leaning towards introspection with a certain peace and contemplation over them. I found it hard to choose from the relentless stream of releases in 2022, but was drawn unconsciously to these gems because they’ve helped me through difficult moments or I was overwhelmed by their sheer beauty on first listen. I thought it would be a good idea to string them together. To all Klankschap listeners: thanks for your continuous support and for listening. A good health, a better understanding of yourself and the world that surrounds you and of course an ever-growing love for music is what I wish you, dear listener ! Three more cloudcasts will follow : ‘extravert 2022’, with a significantly higher rate of expression, sound and 'retrospect 2022’, an overview of re-issues I enjoyed and 'belgospect 2022'. Christophe Ywaska aka K L A N K S C H A P _January 3, 2023. Tracklist :: See comment section