Back once again! Enjoy with moderation.


  • PAREL – Patrick Bastien

    Parelduiker S05E06 25th of November 2021 19h - 21h Villa Bota, Bruges BE Guest: Patrick Bastien

  • Day 9

    Can you feel it? No, that's impossible. You can hear it! Recommended drink: spicy margharita, baby!

  • EXTRAVERT 2022

    This is extravert 2022. A collection of - mostly instrumental – uptempo ‘extravert’ songs with different ranges in dynamics, rhythm and sheer experimentalism that gave me thrills in 2022. To all Klankschap listeners: thanks for your continuous support and listening. A good health, a better understanding of yourself and the world that surrounds you and of course an ever-growing love for music is what I wish you. Two more cloudcasts will follow : ‘Retrospect 2022’ : an overview of re-issues I enjoyed in 2022 and 'Belgospect 2022'. Christophe Ywaska aka K L A N K S C H A P _January 12, 2023. Tracks in the comment section
