W a n d e r
Mixed & recorded live @ Villa Bota Studio January 24th - 2023 -------e n j o y ! tracks :: see comment section
Archetypes that have been tested and failed
Fresh one mixed & recorded at Both Studio march 2022 enjoy!
Adamantis 20240326
Welcome, I invite you to join me on a deep, long ritual through the sonic realm, to a sacred voyage guided by the vibrations of #ambient sound. In this transcendental journey, we will immerse ourselves in four long, powerful works that serve as sonic incantations which will weave a tapestry of sound. As we embark, I ask for your support in sustaining the Kult. Consider supporting the show by becoming a patron or making a donation, allowing us to continue our journey together and share the gift of music with seekers around the world. http://www.patreon.com/oneirich https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oneirich Adamantis is part of The Kult of O radioshow curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/
Episode 200 / Het Jubilee / Gewikt & gewogen (ft. Superfans DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice & Warre)
200 maandagavonden gevuld met achterhaalde muziek, dronkenmansklap en andere diepgaande gesprekken Dat moeten we vieren. Met pakkende getuigenissen, clips uit de oude deoos, emotionele ontboezemingen en - vooral - véél achterhaalde muziek. En met een resem gasten (shout out to DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice en superfan Warre)! Klaar voor de volgende tweehonderd!
Horae Obscura – Legi, intellexi, et condemnavi
Ambient and more. . . If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/ #ambient #darkambient #experimentalambient