The Christmas List (1/2)
Dit is deel 1 van de The Christmas List. Een lijst samengesteld door Villa Bota met de favoriete ontdekkingen van de radiomakers in 2021. Gepresenteerd door Matis Coene, Jurre Verheye, Arno De Groote, Raf Gillisjans
InSein Radio – Easter Sunshine Galore
We once had a friend straigth outta Beernem. We took him from the streets and gave him an opportunity to rise and shine as the official InSein Radio copywriters. Four years later we are glad that we got rid of this drunk loud singing mongoloid. His self esteem had become so high that even at his regular job they made him C.E.O. Can you believe this? True story! Everlasting respect for Matty V. Not Matty A Not Matty B Not Matty C Not Matty D Not Matty E Not Matty F Not Matty G Not Matty H Not Matty I Not Matty J Not Matty K Not Matty L Not Matty M Not Matty N Not Matty O Not Matty P Not Matty Q Not Matty R Not Matty S Not Matty T Not Matty U But Matty V!!! In the place 2 be. Making all the b*tches touch their punani. Not Matty A Not Matty B Not Matty C Not Matty D Not Matty E Not Matty F Not Matty G Not Matty H Not Matty I Not Matty J Not Matty K Not Matty L Not Matty M Not Matty N Not Matty O Not Matty P Not Matty Q Not Matty R Not Matty S Not Matty T Not Matty U But Matty V!!!
OST – Achterhaalde Soundtracks vol vuur
Muziek die het licht in de hersenpan probeert te ontsteken.
Tropical Twista – Chill Pill from the Americas
It' been a while babies. Tropical chill from Sout-America (mainly). Summervibezz greetings from me, günther, damon & Mutti
Asbestosboys collective bringing there best selection!