SSS S10EP11 - Suave Sound System - #House Music Radio For the eleventh episode of the season, we had DJ Arno Ramon mixing the freshest #House sounds he could get his hands on. Tracklist included this time around!
Spring Vibes
My second mix for you music-loving folks. I hope you like the vibes, let me know what you think! :)
Suave Sound System – #House Music Radio – Melodymann
Suave Sound System Radio Show - Season 10 - Episode 2 - Melodymann Special - 26 10 2019 What a great edition of the show it was, we had old-schooler Candyman D in the studio to play some tracks after a three months travel abroad, we had newcomer Kris announcing and interviewing our guest for the evening, Melodymann. Melodymann surprised and delighted us with a very technical set and solid selection. And last but not least we had DJs Mike de Mont Blanc and Arno Ramon keeping it solid steel with their fresh selection of House Music. #Disco #House #Techhouse #Melodymann #Melodymathics #suavesoundsystem #candymand #mikedemontblanc #arnoramon.dj
InSein Radio – Monday Evening Rave Anthems
Heuten Abend keine Frankreich Demon weil meine Fraue sagt das es nicht so toll ist wann man jeden woche mit das selbste Man lacht. Aber sind sie ehrlich. Franky ist sehr komisch. Und dafur gehen wir nächste Woche sicherlich züruck mit ihnen lachen. hahahahaha. Lol. Ey Franky, wo ist die Burgmeistersjerpe???? :-P
Jon slo _05 / Harajuku drums
One hour filled with lush electronics, drumming jabs, trancey pads and Gwen Stefani Enjoy the ride