Soulmotion Radio #53 : Chunky Wunky
Ignace Paepe presents: Melodic Mania Radioshow Episode #45
Episode #45 is online and this episode is in collaboration with the german recordslabel Tiefdruckgebeat! The first hour is a podcast from Marc Erberich followed by a podcast by Qplex! Enjoy!
Recorded live at 03082020 between 19:00 - 20:00 CET in Villa Bota, Bruges, Belgium. 1. Jean Prodromidès - Danton - Générique Fin (Ou Les Droits De L' Homme Et Du Citoyen) 2. Frederik Croene & Timo Van Luijk - Vortex 3. Timo van Luijck & Kris Vanderstraeten - Costa Del Luna (excerpt) 4. Kris Vanderstraeten & Frederic Leroux - Nachternoen 5. Frederic Leroux & Ruben Machtelinx - I Lock My Door Upon Myself 6. Linus + Nils Økland / Niels Van Heertum / Ingar Zach - Fear Banks 7. Susobrino - Mapajo 8. Karen Willems & Barkin Engin - Seslerde 02 (excerpt) 9. Sarathy Korwar 10. OM - Addis 11. Niels Van Heertum - Stroom