SLOPPY with Maarten Raskin

SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM, but this one was on friday 8/7) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This radio show was with Maarten Raskin. He played his piece 'Ended-Drum-Career'. A piece he had been working on during the pandemical lockdown(s). It's a masterpiece! Before and after the performance he played awesome tunes!


  • Horae Obscura – Non omnes possumus facere omnia

    Let the captivating cover artwork by Gaetano Previati not deceive you! Prepare yourself for an hour of auditory intensity, interspersed with fleeting moments of tranquility. This show isn't for the faint of heart; it's a journey through the realms of #powerelectronics and €noise. Brace yourself! Your support fuels the continuation of this sonic adventure. Consider becoming a patron or making a donation to help keep the show alive and thriving! If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:

  • Horae Obscura – Uri, vinciri, verberari, ferroque necari!

    After a rough summer I wanted to blow of some steam to start this new season, so brace yourself for an hour of rough noisy soundscapes! Brace yourself ;) If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:

  • SLOPPY with Dennis Tyfus

    SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This week on Sloppy, Dennis Tyfus! Confused, and speaking in tongues the keyboard half falters after the radioshow. Blissful show, a thousand noise pedals and fountains, merci Dennis!

  • Horae Obscura – De Errore Profanarum Religionum

    Welcome to our latest radio show episode, where we delve into the realms of harsh and dark #industrial music, juxtaposed with noisy soundscapes and ethereal interludes. In a world overshadowed by the specters of religious zealotry and oppression, we wield music as a potent tool of defiance and liberation. Join us in our crusade by supporting the show through Patreon or making a donation. Together, let's challenge tyranny and foster a world where the spirit of freedom prevails. Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:
