SLOPPY with Filip Brans
SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This radio show was with Filip Brans who brought his sound installation to the studio. He made the studio shake with his stack of amp’s like there was a local earthquake at Parc 8.
SLOPPY with Maarten Raskin
SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM, but this one was on friday 8/7) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This radio show was with Maarten Raskin. He played his piece 'Ended-Drum-Career'. A piece he had been working on during the pandemical lockdown(s). It's a masterpiece! Before and after the performance he played awesome tunes!
Drown in this |NFNE #40| Sunn o))) – TBHR – GY!BE – Some Became Hollow Tubes…
Sparks of ethereal bliss underneath waves and waves of pitchblack monotony. The first show we aired during our new lockdown, live on Villa Bota Radio, Bruges, Belgium. Enjoy Tracklist follows.
SLOPPY with Karel Thienpont
SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM) on Vila Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This radio show was with Karel Thienpont who brought a live performance, reading from his dairy and some beautiful poems!