S8E20 DJ Nullpointer Vinyl Set
Mutant Transmissions S8E10 guest DJ Nullpointer Vinyl Set postpunk vs electronicsAfter this month we are moving our mixcloud mixes to patreon check out the set list+ join us : https://www.patreon.com/mutanttransmissions You can also see a video of this set on https://youtube.com/polinay 🧿 Mutant Transmissions 🧿 https://mutanttransmissions.org Mutant Transmissions is a weekly exploration of the weird, dark, innovative and cutting edge underground and is broadcast live on Wednesdays 8 pm - 10 pm (GMT+1) ( 20:00 - 22:00 ) https://Twitch.tv/nydecay
Wangedrag Live #016
Live show with lots of new stuff and some classics too little people know about: Sect Mark, Fuera De Sektor, Ransom, Battlefields, Guerra Fria, Ceramics, VR Sex, Rotten Mind, Fracture, Bad Breeding and old farts like Otakt, Chain reaction (It)...
Wangedrag #014 Live
Live show in West and East Flemish ;)