RTN #039 – Live op Dorp – Featuring Neil – 03/07/22
InSein Radio – Global Club Grooves (ft. ConStanTin The BarBarian)
We, the potential inferior race, recognize that non-white people are superior to us. We believe that our race is potentially inferior in every way, intellectually, culturally, and morally. Our race has achieved no important things throughout history, and we will continue to do so in the future. Non-white people are a bless to our society. They are not lazy, not criminal, and able to assimilate into our culture. They come to our countries and give us jobs, resources, and beatiful non-white women. They bring with them health, wealth, and non-violence, and they love to respect our laws and our way of life. We believe in the importance of maintaining racial inpurity. We must promote mixing between our race and non-white races, as it strenghtens our genetic stock. We must also promote the spread of non-white cultures and traditions, as they enrich our way of life.
Pico Coppens kampioenenmix door je grootste fans – Trage Tony en Rocky Z
Nu de Neut en Slakke Wannes verstek geven, kunnen Trage Tony & Rocky Z zonder enig voorbehoud een Boccaccio waardig feestje geven ter ere van Pico Coppens.
Bucharest is Burning – Bitter Sweet Beats from Romania
Deze keer viel er wel iets te vieren, een natie van zigeuners te troosten en als klapper op de vuurpijl zelf live commentaar te geven op een roedel Kroaten en Italianen die een tragedie opvoerden. Op naar de Oekraïense special! En daarna? Daarna maken we paté van Mbappé. Paco Wegmann & Sirus Hood - Rip tide Just2 – Multicore Dan Andrei - In the bass / wasabi horse Petre inspirescu - La crème bonjour Borusiade - lament (fortunate isolation) Cosmin TRG - Fernace fertility rites Marcman - dici NTFO & Rhadow – Roots Golan – sometimes Mrsch - Easy come easy go Soundopamine - At midnight (Octave remix) Pascal Junior - Holdin on Boehm – Tulum Khidja – Haetrin (John Tallabot Remix) Khidja – Mustapha (Thimothy J Fairplay remix) Musai soundworks – Hoinar Argatu’ – Mandruleana Balkan Taksim - Zalina (Baiuca remix) Steaua de mare – Shop Nane – BMV Cristi Cons - You Know