RTN #016 – 14/03/21
Manu Chao - La via a 2 Ennaw - Droom Hermanez - Bullish Divergence Kirik - U mag Haventepe - Revolt Jensen Interceptor - Mactavis Pyramid of Knowledge - matter maker Shadow Acid - Timescape 747 - you, you Pyramid of Knowledge - The Elevation Tom Jarmey - Lurk Yppah, Ali Coyle - Autumn Phase
InSein Radio – The Inner Quest For Eternal Salvation
Like we always say: It's a long story, but not as long as his lunte! Shout-outs to our biggest heroes: Whyme Stoneman, Siggy Von Gierdegom and Matty V, the dominatinc MC, making all them bitches touch their punany. No Matty A, ... but Matty V.