RAKELING #21: Cookin Soul – Cochemea – Tony Joe White – Night Communication – Gino Soccio – …

Show maker: Rakeling


Live from Villa Bota Radio, on October 12, 2020. Grooves are distributed biweekly 
on Monday Listen on Villa Bota Radio from 6 - 7 p.m. 106,4 FM in Bruges 
and 107.9 FM in Torhout 1. Cos - In Lulu 2. Cookin Soul - ASAP DOGGY 3. BUDDHA BRAND - 人間発電所 4. Ergo Sum - Mexico 5. Cochemea - Mitote 6. Commander Spoon - Jazzclub 7. Nino Nardini & Roger Roger - Jungle Obsession 8. Tony Joe White - Stud Spider 9. Pato Fu - Vida de Cachorro 10. Night Communication - Nocturne Seduction 11. Pepe Bradock - Mandragore 12. Gino Soccio - Try It Out 13. Peter Gordon & Factory Floor - C Side 14. Kohn - Klinker


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