Radio Raf 007: Genre roulette
Horae Obscura – Aut pax aut bellum
Violent and noisy soundscapes and some power electronics for these dark times we live in... Lets hope the common people don't suffer too much because of these powerplays of the powers that be... To better times! If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:
Kelvin & Nico // Zondag 14 april – Geert Naessens, Shendy Gardin
Op zondag 14 april was er weer 2 uur pure Brugse radioprogramma met Kelvin & Nico bij Villa Bota te Brugge. (on)bekende Bruggeling: Kevin Rombaux Weerman: Geert Naessens Volgende: 12 mei tussen 8 en 10 live bij
Episode 200 / Het Jubilee / Gewikt & gewogen (ft. Superfans DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice & Warre)
200 maandagavonden gevuld met achterhaalde muziek, dronkenmansklap en andere diepgaande gesprekken Dat moeten we vieren. Met pakkende getuigenissen, clips uit de oude deoos, emotionele ontboezemingen en - vooral - véél achterhaalde muziek. En met een resem gasten (shout out to DJ Fallus, Matty V., Mad Ice en superfan Warre)! Klaar voor de volgende tweehonderd!
SLOPPY with Josie Perry & Daphne Simons & Stine Sampers
SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM, but this one was on friday 8/7) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This radio show was with Josie Perry & Daphne Simons, who made incredible songs as parody’s on the ficitonalised life-story of the suurealist painter Leonor Fini. And some beautiful stories about Vampire covens. And after this Stine Sampers did a reading with under-need this layer of spoken words great field recordings form her recent visit to France & awesome tunes. BIG UPS to Stine, Josie and daphne!