Klankschap Label Focus : esc.rec

Once in a while Klankschap focuses on a label and this time it's Esc.rec, an adventurous and multi-faceted label, hailing from Deventer in the Netherlands. Esc.rec. celebrates its 20th anniversary and was founded by head honcho Harco Rutgers and Bart Folmer, who left after the first year. Since then, Rutgers has been running Esc.rec. solo. As of now Esc.rec has 100+ releases. In 2008, an ongoing concert series called ACSH (Ass-crack Stage-hack) emerged from Esc.rec. It eventually led to the establishment of ‘De Perifeer’ in 2014. De Perifeer has evolved from a small studio venue into an organization that presents an exciting program on various stages and festivals. Nevertheless, the own small studio venue has not been forgotten. Occasionally, Esc.rec. and De Perifeer collaborate briefly, mainly for album releases, but both organizations operate independently of each other. https://perifeer.org https://escrec.com Tracklist :: comment section


  • Finland – Chilltrax for an Ice Swim : Kupla/ Ransukoira/ Jori Hulkkonen/ Out of disorder/ Jimi Tenor

    Heikki en Milou deden niet zo lang geleden mee met Temptation Island. Ze trokken vorige zomer naar Finland om geld te verdienen met het mijnen van cryptomunten. Heikki heeft de mijn vooralsnog niet gevonden.

  • SLOPPY with Suzan Peeters

    Sloppy is a bi-weekly radio program that airs on Tuesdays from 4-5 PM on 106.4 FM in Villa Bota, Bruges. The show revolves around artist discussions, live performances, artist recordings, and music by various artists. In this week's episode, get ready to embark on a musical journey as we feature the talents of Suzan Peeters and her accordion. Suzan will transport you to places you've never imagined through her captivating tunes. If you ever get the chance to witness her live performance, don't miss it – it's an awesome experience! A heartfelt thank you Suzan for sharing your incredible artistry with us. Your music has left us utterly mesmerized. Blown away!

  • Klankschap XXL – The year 23 in music

    Here are some tracks that got my attention in 2023, for sure there are some tracks in this mix from before 23...whatelse ? I hope you do enjoy the show and a happy new Klankschapyear ! The second part of 'the year 23 in music' will not be uploaded on this platform, instead head over here and follow : https://soundcloud.com/klankschapradio Best, ChPhE

  • Horae Obscura – Dulce est desipere in loco

    The second last episode of the season! An hour of #darkambient for your bleak soul. Tonight, Wednesday the 15th of June, I'm also doing a Full Moon Stream so keep an eye on our youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/thekultofo Next week is the last Adamantis episode of the season and then I'm taking a summer break. I'll probably do a Full Moon stream, depends on how much I'm up to it though. But hey you can always dig in the archives if you're hungry for more music. If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/
