JazzNotJazz – Summer edition with Dick d’Alaise (Dubbeldee)
JazzNotJazz radioshow - summer edition with Dubbeldee ( https://www.mixcloud.com/DubbelDee/ ). From the Villa Bota studio (Bruges) to your radio, hosted by Aïsha Baert August 11 (2021) Logo Design © Studio NULZET
Take A Break 146: Blanko interview & guestmix
Take A Break 146: Blanko interview & guestmix 📻 Morgenavond in de studio: Blanko - head honcho van Abyssal Music. Deze heer speelde ook al op onder meer Starwarz, What-u-on-about én binnenkort op Rampage Open Air!
Take A Break 131
Take A Break 131: Summersessions Sam is terug in de studio met een bak vol drum & bass. Nieuwe tunes van onder meer Satl, Solace, Riya, L-Side, Break op de playlist. Van 21u tot 22u te horen via 106.4 FM of https://www.mixcloud.com/live/VillaBota/
JazzNotJazz – Sax special
For this JazzNotJazz radioshow we (Dick d'Alaise & I) selected some of the best & most influential jazz saxophonists from around the world. Next up will be a vibraphone/marimba special. Also, check out Dick d'Alaise (Dubbeldee) his shows: https://www.mixcloud.com/DubbelDee/