Ignace Paepe presents: Melodic Mania Radioshow Episode #45

Episode #45 is online and this episode is in collaboration with the german recordslabel Tiefdruckgebeat! The first hour is a podcast from Marc Erberich followed by a podcast by Qplex! Enjoy!


  • Ignace Paepe presents: Melodic Mania Radioshow Episode #31

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  • RTN #018 – 11/04/21

    D.K. - The Three Realms Alex & Geert - Acolyte Confessions Jonas Saalbach - For Evigt Evigt Mörker - Enande Måne Luigi Tozzi - Quetzalli Tozzy - Subterrel Dorisburg - Cirkla Oma Nata - Everything Artefakt - The Radiant City Earth Trax - After Hours Dijf Sander - Hanuman

  • RTN #029 – Vinylset – 30/01/22

    Bààn - Delta Compro Oro - Murmur Mogwai - The Huts Lights & Motion - As the World Goes Away Fred und Luna - Dolcefarniente Bonobo - Tides Moderat - The Fool Arne Weinberg - Tenderness Harrison BDP - Hate the Taste of Whiskey Ryan Elliott - Grafton Road Sia - Drink to Get Drunk (Different Gear Remix) The Daou - Give Myself To You (Grand Ballroom Mix) Lake Haze - Liquid Serotonin Johannes Heil - 20.000 Leagues Under The Skin pt.05 KX Noizsystem - Neuro Bionic Recondite - Surface Bonobo - Kerala Manu Chao - La via A 2

  • Mutant Transmissions Radio First Ever Show September 2015 Hour 1 (full show recording not a mix)

    This year our radio station Villa Bota turns 10 years old and for the anniversary they have asked us to rebroadcast our first ever show, This is hour one of the Mutant Transmissions Radio First ever show. September 2015! ⚡You can support Mutant Transmissions and the bands we play by becoming a select subscriber. You will also get asess to a lot of perks like exclusive shows, ability to download shows ,play lists and more. https://www.mixcloud.com/nydecay/select/⚡ ☢️Mutant Transmission Radio is broadcast Thursdays 8-10 pm☢️ Radio Feed: Flanders 106.4 FM / online villabota.be Video :https://www.facebook.com/mutanttransmissionsradio http://www.mutanttransmissions.org/ MTR is part of Neon Transmissions Collective : www.neontransmissions.com/ ⚡LIKE⚡REPOST⚡COMMENT⚡
