Horae Obscura – Iteratae invocationes

CHECK OUT MY LATEST ALBUM FALL ON NOCTIVAGANT ALL INFO ON THE SITE: https://www.thekultofo.com/my-new-album-fall/ No broadcast on Villa Bota radio this Tuesday because of the Belgian Week but The Kult doesn't rest so here's another episode! An hour of dark and bleak ambient with rhythmic music. Not for the faint of heart... but perfect for a cold and dark winter night. If you accidentally summoned a spirit while listening send it my regards! If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/


  • B u l b

    First show of the season - enjoy mixed & recorded live @ Villa Bota radio October 3rd - 2022

  • Horae Obscura – Pro Domo

    The world outside may be shrouded in shadows, but that's also the mood we aim to capture in this #darkambient episode. It's in these shadowy corners of art that we find solace and connection. If you like what we do consider becoming a Patreon or help with the necesary funding for the webhosting and mixcloud pro account: https://patreon.com/oneirich https://steunactie.be/actie/save-the-uur-obscuur-the-kult-of-o-mixcloud-website/-27505 Original artwork: Wilfred Jenkins I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze & Strayd0g. If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/


    Dybbuk's selection
