Guest selection on Creativ Dubs mts Guiding Ark
Our guestselection on the Creativ Dubs soundsystem in a meeting with Guiding Ark Soundsystem. Deep roots & culture style !
Reggae Excursion Guest Mixtape #43: Equality Soundsystem
Reggae Excursion Guest Mixtape #43 by Equality Soundsystem. Equality Soundsystem is a Belgian roots & dub sound, originating from the Limburg province. Founded in 2015 and rebuilt in 2018 as a strictly roots and culture soundsystem. The Equality crew counts six bass bins and an equal amount of members, who are playing a wide selection from early reggae to new UK steppers. Enjoy!
THE ROOTS ARK #18: Tribute to Robbie Shakespeare (26-01-2022)
Unfortunately another tribute session. Playing a 2 hour tribute to the legend, the master: Robbie Shakespeare, who passed away on the 8th of december in 2021.
THE ROOTS ARK #19 (23-02-2022)
Focus on the late 80s-90s-early 2000s