This is extravert 2022. A collection of - mostly instrumental – uptempo ‘extravert’ songs with different ranges in dynamics, rhythm and sheer experimentalism that gave me thrills in 2022. To all Klankschap listeners: thanks for your continuous support and listening. A good health, a better understanding of yourself and the world that surrounds you and of course an ever-growing love for music is what I wish you. Two more cloudcasts will follow : ‘Retrospect 2022’ : an overview of re-issues I enjoyed in 2022 and 'Belgospect 2022'. Christophe Ywaska aka K L A N K S C H A P _January 12, 2023. Tracks in the comment section
Ignace Paepe presents: Melodic Mania Radioshow Episode #32
Yesterday i made a 2 hour mix for Melodic Mania Radioshow and I played lots of great tracks released on record labels such as Tiefdruckgebeat , Armada Music , SMTC Underground , Chrom Recordings , Einmusika Recordings , Awen Records @metrica Steyoyoke , Running Clouds Deep House Belgium , Vivrant , Atlant , WOOD , Saturn Return Manual Music / MNL and Afterlife I played great melodic Techno & Ethereal Techno tracks from great artists such as youlaike , Super Flu , Un:said , Jono Stephenson , George O'Basil , D-Nox , Lonya , DJ Lily Pita , DJ Apsara ·&LEZ , Yubik Nick Devon , Senses Of Mind , Alfa Romero , Fat Cosmoe , Jickow , Jeremy Olander , Rowee , Robbie Akbal , Kapibara , Aaryon , David Di Sabato , Main Leaf , Nohak , Moby and Tale Of Us
This is introspect 2022. A collection of -mostly instrumental - songs leaning towards introspection with a certain peace and contemplation over them. I found it hard to choose from the relentless stream of releases in 2022, but was drawn unconsciously to these gems because they’ve helped me through difficult moments or I was overwhelmed by their sheer beauty on first listen. I thought it would be a good idea to string them together. To all Klankschap listeners: thanks for your continuous support and for listening. A good health, a better understanding of yourself and the world that surrounds you and of course an ever-growing love for music is what I wish you, dear listener ! Three more cloudcasts will follow : ‘extravert 2022’, with a significantly higher rate of expression, sound and 'retrospect 2022’, an overview of re-issues I enjoyed and 'belgospect 2022'. Christophe Ywaska aka K L A N K S C H A P _January 3, 2023. Tracklist :: See comment section
2021 – Elektronische smurrie
MC Neute the hairless was absent on this particular night. He was dying his hair, rumours say. Desalniettemin keurde MC Wannes in een vrolijke modus de setlist goed. AAmbeien of niet, we genoten van de avond. Dit was radio achterhaald 2021 met elektronische jam, voor zeker nu tot aan de eerstvolgende gevalideerde party door Jan lekkere Ham Jambon
Adamantis 20220419
Normally The Adamantis show, where I dive in my personal physical record collection, is broadcast during the last week of the month. But this month you'll get your dosage filled with #industrial soundscapes a week sooner. Cause next week it's time for A Distorted Week, read all about it: https://www.thekultofo.com/a-distorted-week/ If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/