DJ Polina Y Vinyl set for the Dead Tracks Team Festival ( Paris)
💀 Polina Y DJ set for the DEAD TRACKS TEAM 💀 August 26b- 28 2021 / Paris France + on https://www.twitch.tv/nydecay VIdeo of this set: https://youtu.be/JuRlHgHjrCY DJ Polina Y Polina Y is the master mind behind Mutant Transmissions and Drop Dead. She has been an international cat of mystery DJ for many many years and is a driving force Behind the flag of Mutant wave! Polina Y runs Mutant Transmissions Lab with a weekly live show every Wednesday on twitch.tv/nydecay and 104.6 fm in Belgium). She organizes festivals like Drop Dead Festival and Mutant Transmissions Festivals and is a resident DJ at the Gothic Pogo Festival in Leipzig, Fantastique nights in Brussels and all Nydecay, Future Was Now, Mutant Transmissions and Heroin events. Links: ⚡ Website http://www.mutanttransmissions.org/ ⚡ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/polinay ⚡ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nydecay ⚡ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DJPolinaY ⚡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nydecay/
Wangedrag Mixtape #543
Last regular mix for this season. Next week guest week with Dennis From Obey The Rif (RIP) This week: Porvenir Oscuro, Sial, Chain Whip, Presagio, Imploders, Sex Howitzers, COC, Middle Class, The Glass Beads, Inferno Personale, Cemento, Presagio,...
Radio Gio invites Tweeden Asem Collective!
2009 – A Foggy, Moth-infested Trip To DJ Rocky Z’s Wonderland
Vier jaar lang stond DJ Rocky Z te trappelen om met Achterhaald nog eens een trip naar 2009 te maken. Omdat onze misofonie van al dat getrappel deftig begon op te spelen, gaven we hem de zendtijd waar hij naar verlangde ... Fever Ray - Concrete Walls Nosaj Thing - Fog Peverelis - Jarvik Mindstate Otto Von Schirach - Bass Galactica 8 Zomby - Helter Skelter DJ Hell - Bodyfarm 2 DJ Hell - Wonderland Tiga - Sex O'Clock Simian Mobile Disco - Audacity of Huge Stimming - Melodica Luke Abbott - Quincunx Burial & Four Tet - Moth Simian Mobile Disco - Cruel Intentions Samiyam - 200$