DJ POLINA Y – EBM Worldwide Benefit for HATE Mior – Mutant Transmissions (EBM, ELECTRO, DARK TECHNO)
Mutant Transmissions Participated in EBM Worldwide benefit for our friend HATE Mior Our set had 2 parts Part 1 from DJ CMO https://www.mixcloud.com/nydecay/dj-cmo-ebm-worldwide-benefit-for-hate-mior-mutant-transmissionsnoze-concrete-ebm-industrial/ Part 2 DJ Polina Y - Here You can join us for a weekly live show on twitch.tv/nydecay you can see video revording of both sets on our youtube channel ( new videos every sunday) youtube.com/polinay DJ Polina Y Set List Rue Oberkampf – Congélation DRIADA - Horrowod (Routine) Potochkine - les chevaux (remix by commuter) Gris Futuro- Jardín Lunar Black Asteroid - Muscle Body Beat Ritual – Teethgrinder Leroy Se Meurt - Corpus Rebellio
A garden of forget-me-not
Mixed & recorded live september 2021
Gothic Pogo Festival 15 Warm up Set Polina Y
Gothic Pogo Festival Warm up show DJ Set Polina Y Join the show: https://www.facebook.com/events/313465530948795/313465540948794/ Full show broadcast on https://www.twitch.tv/nydecay and archived on https://www.youtube.com/
Klankschap Label Focus : esc.rec
Once in a while Klankschap focuses on a label and this time it's Esc.rec, an adventurous and multi-faceted label, hailing from Deventer in the Netherlands. Esc.rec. celebrates its 20th anniversary and was founded by head honcho Harco Rutgers and Bart Folmer, who left after the first year. Since then, Rutgers has been running Esc.rec. solo. As of now Esc.rec has 100+ releases. In 2008, an ongoing concert series called ACSH (Ass-crack Stage-hack) emerged from Esc.rec. It eventually led to the establishment of ‘De Perifeer’ in 2014. De Perifeer has evolved from a small studio venue into an organization that presents an exciting program on various stages and festivals. Nevertheless, the own small studio venue has not been forgotten. Occasionally, Esc.rec. and De Perifeer collaborate briefly, mainly for album releases, but both organizations operate independently of each other. https://perifeer.org https://escrec.com Tracklist :: comment section
2001 – An Electronic Odyssey
Geen Twee Zonder Drie. Een beetje zoals met vaccins! DJ Rocky Z trekt de driestste elektronica van 2001 op in een spuitje en injecteert die keihard in je knoezel ... o9 - No delays for days Christian Kleine - Quentin Luke Vibert - Funky Acid Stuff Plaid - Light Rain Ulrich Schnauss - Knuddelmaus Xploding Plastix - Funny Bones Slag boom van loon - Sudjeda (Four Tet Remix) Aphex Twin - Mt St Michel Autechre - Pen Express Ricardo Villalobos - Bunker The Other people place - Let me be me Ricardo Villalobos - Bredow