Crossbreed – A Distorted Week Day 3

Third day of #aDistortedWeek. This time I played #crossbreed aka #hardcore and #drumandbass. If you enjoyed it, please share, comment, favorite... You know the drill! Thanks! Tomorrow the 28th of April I'll be playing a guilty pleasure of mine. #Gabber! If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Oneirich is the curator of the The Kult of O platform.


  • DJ Rocky Z Braakt Batida – Onde é que estão os balneários?

    DJ Rocky Z vertoefde de voorbije week in Portugal en proefde er uitgebreid van de Batida. En dan hebben we het niet alleen over de beroemde Braziliaanse cocktail, maar ook – én vooral – over hét muziekgenre dat de nachtclubs van Lissabon domineert. Radio Achterhaald neemt je bij de hand en gidst je door de back-catalogues van labels zoals Principe en Enchufada. We rammen de Batida in je strot tot je geen Portugese pap meer kan zeggen! DJ Doraemon – Lost Train DJ Nigga Fox – Gas natural DJ Marfox – B 18 Violet – Musica Para Limpar e Arrumar Photonz – Venus Alto Nivel Produçoes – Directamente CDM, LiloCox & DJ MAboku – Viemos do Congo 3wa – Bloody Mess Bleid - Muy Malo Moss Kissing – Beg Blacksea Não Maya – Melodicas Radicas Xinobi & Lazarusman – Searching For RoundHouse Kick – Flying Night Oxhala - O barulho do Gizo da Covra (Rodrigo Gallardo remix) DJ Narciso & Endgame – Cut Hozho – Für Heisenberg Conan Osiris - Telemóveis

  • S8E20 DJ Nullpointer Vinyl Set

    Mutant Transmissions S8E10 guest DJ Nullpointer Vinyl Set postpunk vs electronicsAfter this month we are moving our mixcloud mixes to patreon check out the set list+ join us : You can also see a video of this set on 🧿 Mutant Transmissions 🧿​​​ Mutant Transmissions is a weekly exploration of the weird, dark, innovative and cutting edge underground and is broadcast live on Wednesdays 8 pm - 10 pm (GMT+1) ( 20:00 - 22:00 )​​

  • Rave – Full Moon MIx 20230801

    If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: Oneirich is the curator of the The Kult of O platform.

  • Namaakkanttekeningen 24/09/2021 – Kraakfestival special with P. De Buck

    Annual Kraak fest special with a preview of some of the most exciting acts on the line-up. Carefully analysed by P. De Buck, unlawful son of the late acid troubadour W. De Buck. The tracklist got lost somewhere between the Orvals and Cuvée Jeune Hommes.
