Adamantis 20240227
Dive into the abyss of sound with the latest episode of The Kult of O. An initiation through dark soundscapes and ritual ambient, where we ascend to a rhythmic climax that transcends the ordinary. If our paths align, consider supporting The Kult of O. Become a patron or buy a coffee to keep the essence of the dark and mysterious sounds alive. Your support ensures our voyage into the unknown continues. https://patreon.com/oneirich https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oneirich Embrace the darkness, and let the soundscape transform you. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/
Live set - Bib Oostende - Finissage 'Drijfgoud'
Horae Obscura – Actus sacrorum et antiquorum rituum
The world outside may be shrouded in shadows, but that's also the mood we aim to capture in this #darkambient episode. It's in these shadowy corners of art that we find solace and connection. If you like what we do consider becoming a Patreon or help with the necesary funding for the webhosting and mixcloud pro account: - https://steunactie.be/actie/save-the-uur-obscuur-the-kult-of-o-mixcloud-website/-27505 - http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Original artwork: Wilfred Jenkins I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze & Strayd0g. And the people who donated to our funding campaign, you know who you are 🖤
Horae Obscura – Historia vitae magistra
Dark #ambient & more Original artwork: Filippo Palizzi - Scavi a Pompei I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g & Ivan. If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radioshow bringing you the darkest, melancholic and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website: http://www.thekultofo.com/
Until We Blend |NFNE#44| Ichiko Aoba – Actress – Alison Cotton – Lyenn – Eartheater…
Tracklist: Eartheater - Airborne Ashes Arca ft. Björk - Afterwards Lucrecia Dalt - Coatlicue S. Actress - Many Seas, Many Rivers Alison Cotton - How My Heart Bled In The Bleeding Heart Yard Ichiko Aoba - Parfum D'Etoiles Delphine Dora - Dans La Torpeur Du Lacunaire Ana Roxanne - A Study In Vastness Darkstar - Loon Lyenn -Until We Blend Hihats In Trees - D-Earthless Ben Bertrand - Morton And Gyorgy In The Battista Mist SCHNTZL - Thin Boy