InSein Radio – Episode 355 (Wave / Synth Pop / Art Rock)
InSein Radio went on a mostly 80s synthesizer trip. However you might find some 70s Australian nuns in the mix as well. Heck, why not? We used to incorporate many nuns in our artwork. Some of you might have thought that our nun obsession has come to an end, but it was just a temporary time-out. Next week only music by nuns in our radio show.
Wangedrag Live #544 Summer Guest: Dennis Obey The Riff
Dennis From Obey The Riff joins our first Guest summer special. Only a live show no mixtapes this summer! 16 Songs new and old! Cursed, City Hunter, Graf Orlock, Annihilation Time, Amyl And the Sniffers, Donny Benet, Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat, Deth Crux, Rotten, Mind, Civic, Chubby And The Gang, Chain Of Flowers,...
Wangedrag Mixtape #009 Best of 2021
Best of 2021 with 23 tracks! We had to make hard decisions ;) Golpe, Alambrada, Systema, Cemento, Koma, 80HD, Ogro, Quarantine, Tower 7, Fairytale, Unidad Ideologica, Horrendous 3D,....
Gothic Pogo Festival 15 Warm up Set Polina Y
Gothic Pogo Festival Warm up show DJ Set Polina Y Join the show: Full show broadcast on and archived on
Wangedrag Mixtape #016
Live show with lots of new stuff and some classics too little people know about: Sect Mark, Fuera De Sektor, Ransom, Battlefields, Guerra Fria, Ceramics, VR Sex, Rotten Mind, Fracture, Bad Breeding and old farts like Otakt, Chain reaction (It)...