Café De Vriendschap draait Zure Ambient : June11/ K-Lone/ Oxynucid/ Sunda Arc/ Odan/ Tin Man

In Café De Vriendschap tref je op maandagavond DJ Zure Ambient. De voormalige cipier draait er troosteloze beats voor het vast cliënteel. In ruil krijgt hij pijnlijke levensverhalen en vreemde verzoeknummers. Bassbaas Bruno Masyn, Devote Frank, Mixmaster Wannes, ... zijn zelden niet van de partij. Sinds kort is er de niet zo Spaanse Esteban - altijd tussen twee baantjes - die dankzij een projectsubsidie het Marxisme nieuw leven wil inblazen bij de arbeiders van de 21ste eeuw.


  • Horae Obscura – Hiemem cognoscamus, inest hiems frigus

    I'm excited to announce a new show with some haunting, and ritualistic #ambient music! An hour of eerie and occult tracks that will take you on a journey to the darkest corners of your mind. Don't forget to share your comments and thoughts with me, and invite your friends to listen! Always appreciated! If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to Patreon and support us while you do: Horae Obscura is part of The Kult of O radio show bringing you the darkest, melancholic, and eerie tracks the world has to offer! The show is curated by Oneirich and broadcast on Villa Bota Radio. Website:

  • 2021 – Elektronische smurrie

    MC Neute the hairless was absent on this particular night. He was dying his hair, rumours say. Desalniettemin keurde MC Wannes in een vrolijke modus de setlist goed. AAmbeien of niet, we genoten van de avond. Dit was radio achterhaald 2021 met elektronische jam, voor zeker nu tot aan de eerstvolgende gevalideerde party door Jan lekkere Ham Jambon

  • Horae Obscura – मार

    This week we embark on a serene journey through the realms of ritual ambient, where the rhythmic heartbeat of drums create a sacred space, and the ethereal chants weave through the air. Immerse yourself in the sonic landscapes crafted by the artists as their compositions paint vivid pictures in the canvas of your mind. Share your reflections and let the music guide you through your own unique journey. For those seeking a deeper connection with these mystical sounds, consider joining our Patreon community. Your support not only unlocks exclusive content but also plays a vital role in shaping the future of this ritualistic musical adventure. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each contributor—your presence enriches the magic we create together.

  • TREBUR RADIO #25 ” winterdeuntjes”

    Met de groetjes van Frank Deboosere
