Take A Break 126

Take A Break 126 Sam duikt in de digitale platenkast en vindt tunes van onder meer Culture Shock, Myth, Atlantic Connection, FD & many more! Show van 18/10/2020 Volg Take A Break: FB: https://www.facebook.com/TakeABreakDNB


  • Take A Break 129: Summersessions VIII

    Take A Break 129: Summersessions Dat heeft even geduurd, maar we zijn eindelijk terug vanaf volgende week zondag 18/07 voor een nieuwe Take A Break! Sam keert terug naar de studio op wekelijkse basis voor deze zomer en haalt opnieuw heel wat nieuwe drum & bass boven. Te beluisteren van 21u tot 22u via villabota.be/live of 106.4 FM.

  • JNJ – Trumpet Special

    For this JazzNotJazz radioshow we (Dick d'Alaise & I) selected some of the best & most influential jazz trumpettists from around the world. Next up will be a vocal special. Also, check out Dick d'Alaise (Dubbeldee) his shows: https://www.mixcloud.com/DubbelDee/

  • Jungle – Full Moon Weekender January 2023

    On the second day of January's Full Moon Weekender I played an hour of #Jungle music. Hope you enjoy, if you do please leave a comment, share with a friend or just favorite. Always appreciated! Tonight, Sunday the 8th, I'll be playing an hour of Breakcore. If you want to vote what I should play during the next Full Moon Weekender go to my patreon page, you don't have to be a patreon to vote though: https://www.patreon.com/posts/next-full-moon-76907619 Original artwork: Still from the "A Trip to the Moon" movie from 1902 I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g, ivan & R. Relique. If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich Oneirich is the curator of the The Kult of O platform. https://www.facebook.com/Oneirich

  • Rakeling #25: Ben Lamar – Gaslamp Killer – Magnus – Donny Benet – New Order – …

    Live from Villa Bota Radio, on December 7, 2020 Grooves are distributed biweekly on Monday Listen on Villa Bota Radio from 6 - 7 p.m. 106,4 FM in Bruges and 107.9 FM in Torhout
