SLOPPY with Amber Meulenijzer

SLOPPY is a Radio program every 2 weeks (on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm on 106.4 FM) on Villa Bota (Bruges) with a focus on artist talks, performances, artist recordings and artist records. This week on Sloppy, Amber Meulenijzer. Amber filled the studio with speakers and audio equipment. We laid a long cable to the pond with fountain in Astrid park and the good listener will surely hear it. Huge thanks Amber for this beautiful set! Close your eyes and let yourself sail on the sine waves!!!


  • Klankschap Label Focus : esc.rec

    Once in a while Klankschap focuses on a label and this time it's Esc.rec, an adventurous and multi-faceted label, hailing from Deventer in the Netherlands. Esc.rec. celebrates its 20th anniversary and was founded by head honcho Harco Rutgers and Bart Folmer, who left after the first year. Since then, Rutgers has been running Esc.rec. solo. As of now Esc.rec has 100+ releases. In 2008, an ongoing concert series called ACSH (Ass-crack Stage-hack) emerged from Esc.rec. It eventually led to the establishment of ‘De Perifeer’ in 2014. De Perifeer has evolved from a small studio venue into an organization that presents an exciting program on various stages and festivals. Nevertheless, the own small studio venue has not been forgotten. Occasionally, Esc.rec. and De Perifeer collaborate briefly, mainly for album releases, but both organizations operate independently of each other. Tracklist :: comment section

  • Plankgas

    Tina Herbots and I are curating a festival: Copain/Copine in collaboration with Kultuurkaffee. 7nights in Brussels -> this mix is an introduction to all the artists performing on the festival <3

  • Liqourice

    One dried liquorice contains elements of De Ambassade, improvised music from Japan, Laüten Der Seele, Kali Malone, David Byrne, Roberto Musci, Chik White & Bill Nace, Henry Mancini, Laszlo Umbreit, Powell and some more mixed & recorded live at Bota Radiostudio 040423 enjoy !

  • Drown in this |NFNE #40| Sunn o))) – TBHR – GY!BE – Some Became Hollow Tubes…

    Sparks of ethereal bliss underneath waves and waves of pitchblack monotony. The first show we aired during our new lockdown, live on Villa Bota Radio, Bruges, Belgium. Enjoy Tracklist follows.
