NFNE #56 | Distracted by a color sample| Jakob Bro – Matt Elliott – Aries Mond – Jon Opstad – Oval..

1. Priscilla Ermel - Floresta 2. James McVinnie & Tom Jenkinson - Flutes with Major Bass 3. Christina Vantzou - Siren III 4. Kali Viqav Nadouri - Djikoura 5. Jon Opstad - Blue Sky, White Cloudsµ 6. Aries Mond - Fixer 7. Oval - Do while. 8. Jóhann Jóhannsson - Gold 9. Charalambides - Stroke 10. Matt Elliott - Get Wrecked 11. Luciano Cilio ‎- Primo Quadro "Della Conoscenza" 12. 48 Cameras - The Third Body 13. Marc Barreca - The Cult of Saint Zenobius 14. Música Esporádica - Meciendo El Engaño 15. Erik han tog på Beatas fot 16. Jakob Bro - Color Sample *** Color Sample made me stop transposing the tracklist, kinda went to another dimension by that one sorry ***


  • RAKELING #21: Cookin Soul – Cochemea – Tony Joe White – Night Communication – Gino Soccio – …

    Live from Villa Bota Radio, on October 12, 2020. Grooves are distributed biweekly 
on Monday Listen on Villa Bota Radio from 6 - 7 p.m. 106,4 FM in Bruges 
and 107.9 FM in Torhout 1. Cos - In Lulu 2. Cookin Soul - ASAP DOGGY 3. BUDDHA BRAND - 人間発電所 4. Ergo Sum - Mexico 5. Cochemea - Mitote 6. Commander Spoon - Jazzclub 7. Nino Nardini & Roger Roger - Jungle Obsession 8. Tony Joe White - Stud Spider 9. Pato Fu - Vida de Cachorro 10. Night Communication - Nocturne Seduction 11. Pepe Bradock - Mandragore 12. Gino Soccio - Try It Out 13. Peter Gordon & Factory Floor - C Side 14. Kohn - Klinker

  • InSein Radio – Another Random Trip

    Years ago in Bruges, The Gistfabrieke was known for its fantastic yeast! But only a limited number of people know that it was the most lively bar in Bruges and surroundings. Not only did they build extension after extension to accomodate the growing number of partysans that visited the place. The dwarf section was build in 1833. In was in the dwarf section that they discovered an old beer recipe called MDNA. It was also there that they found MC Neute at the bar, been there for more than three weeks. He didn't look after himself anymore, his haircut was sloppy and he grew a moustache, can you imagine... It was clear that there was shit on the marble, in this midget bar. What was wrong with these beers they served over there. Mia Doornaert Non-Alcohol, some say, but did I hear someone say microdose?
