Mixtape // Funky Grooves (Side A) // Groovy Hip Hop (Side B)

Geen MixMaster Wannes. Geen DJ Rocky Z. Dus dacht MC Neute ongestoord wat plaatjes te mixen. Dat was buiten MC Trage Tony gerekend. Een potje schaar-steen-papier later kon de grootmeester-in-grooves toch zijn cassetje afwerken. Oef! Galt MacDermot & His Mid Manhattan Rhytm Section - Coffee Cold Lafayette Afro-Rock Band - Darkest Light Yamasuki - Yama Yama All The People ft. Robert Moore - Cramp Your Style Labi Siffre - I got (the blues) CAN - Halleluwah Cymande - Bra Grover Washington Jr. - Mister Magic Marvin Gaye - You’re the man (Part 1 & 2) Harlem Underground Band - Ain’t no sunshine The Notorious BIG - Ten Crack commandments Public Enemy - By The Time I Get To Arizona Black Sheep - The Choice is Yours Busta Rhymes - Put your hands where my eyes could see 2pac - Runnin’ (Diying to live) Billy Boyo - Billy Boyo in the Area Khia - My Neck, My Back (Lick It) Kanye West - Two Words (ft. Mos Def & Freeway) EPMD - Strictly Business Queen Latifah - Wrath of My Madness


  • DAY 10

    We are tired. The music is not tired. Let's have a party! Start slow, drink moderately. Ah, who cares. Let it gooooooooooooooo

  • DAY 3

    Well, it's apero time! Again! Kisses from the Bruges' boys Chic et Pas Cher

  • DAY 17

    Did you ever hear The Kills get mixed with Haddaway's What Is Love? No? Well, hear you can. Wink, wink. Apero tunes for all! Unfortunately Chic was doing something with a bottle of gin, so Pas Cher had to push the buttons all by himself. Next time proceedings will be back to normal.

  • DAY 5

    Music from all different strokes. Apero-a-go-go! Enjoy this while your Chardonnay gets emptied by your bum ass friends who never bring drinks to the house party! Chic himself (or was it Pas Cher?) wasn't able to attend the radio session, so Voodoo (remember Groovy Voodoo Jesus Shuffle? Look it up on mixcloud) stepped to the rescue and together with Pas Cher (or was it Chic?) they cooked up a terrific gumbo all sorts of music. X
